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FIRST Tech Challenge

High School Competitive Robotics Opportunity

The really cool thing about FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) is...all skill levels are welcomed and needed, technical or non-technical. Student and adult team members are encouraged to bring any skills they already have, like coding, electronics, metalworking, graphic design, web creation, public speaking, videography, and more. Adult coaches guide students as they gain skills and confidence in a supportive, inclusive environment.


Each team works together to design, build, and program a robot by exploring advanced engineering concepts, brainstorming innovative ideas, and developing career-ready practices. Participants have access to over $80 million in scholarships to colleges, universities, and technical programs.  Learn more about FIRST Tech Challenge by visiting their website.

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USC Robotics already has four teams registered for the 2024/2025 school year.  Check out their websites below to learn more about each team.  If you have a group of students who are interested in starting their own team, that is great!  Each team can have up to 15 students and needs at least one parent coach to help guide them along with mentor, Tracy Smith.  Here is a general flyer giving an overview of how FTC works.


Interested parents and students should attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, July 10th from 7:30-9:00 PM in the Upper St Clair High School LGI off of the Arts Entrance to learn more.


  • Weekly meetings on Monday after school in room 305

  • Students are welcome to meet additional days during ART and after school based on teacher availability. 

  • Parent coaches will hold meetings in the evening and/or weekend based on their team's needs at various times during the school year.  Meetings can be scheduled for room 305 at the high school.

  • FTC is a serious, year long endeavor that ranges in time commitment throughout the year.

  • Detailed information regarding the PA FTC event schedule can be found at

  • Cost to participate is $400 per student.  Families experiencing financial hardships should reach out to the teacher sponsor, Tracy Smith, for possible accommodations.

  • Interested in joining?  Visit the JOIN page and let us know that you are interested!


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